Because I love to learn, I am constantly consuming various media,
including articles, websites, books, podcasts, video, tv, and movies.
So here’s a list of stuff that I believe to be interesting at least, and essential at best.
A live document, updating now & then.
General well-being
Reading: books
The Body is not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self Love, by Sonya Renee Taylor.
Meditation Is Not What You Think, by Jon Kabat-Zinn​.
Reading: bite-sized
How to Know When It’s Time to Start Therapy, at The Conversation.
On kintsugi and wabi-sabi and navigating failure through finding beauty in the imperfect.
On Shinrin Yoku. Why Forest Bathing Is Good for Your Health.
How using Spoon Theory helps describe our daily capacity to do anything. A concept born from disability justice.
Self Expansion. How active support and enthusiasm from your partner helps you self actualize.​
Let’s Talk About Self-Care After Therapy.
Calltime Mental Heath supports for cast & crew in Film & Television.
Them Magazine Online mag that offers “the best of what’s queer” in culture & politics.
Black Lives Matter Canada on the work of communities to help dismantle anti-Blackness across Canada.
Native Land an educational resource to understand our place within a colonial framework.​​
Why Mindfulness is a Superpower, a cute animated video narrated by Dan Harris.
It’s Not About the Nail, on the power of simply listening.
The Verywell Mind podcast, hosted by Minaa B.
Calltime Mental Health Podcast support for cast & crew.
Therapy for Black Girls, hosted by Dr. Joy Harden Bradford.
Relationships and Sexual Health
Reading: books
Park Cruising: What Happens When We Wander Off The Path, by Marcus McCann
Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire, by Dr. Lori Brotto
Halal Sex: The Intimate Lives of Muslim Women in North America, by Sheima Benembarek
More: A Memoir of an Open Marriage, by Molly Roden Winter
PolySecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual NonMonogamy, by Jessica Fern
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make – and Keep – Friends, by Marisa G. Franco
Reading: bite-sized
The Origin Way VAG: Visual Art Gallery. highlights art focusing on sexual healing.
OhJoySexToy a super fun illustrative compendium of sexual health info, drawn in comic panels.
The Origin Way a wealth of info and media about pelvic floor issues, including vaginismus.
Scarleteen comprehensive sex education for young people.
Sexual Health for Muslims, Instagram by Sameera Qureshi.
Action Canada Canada’s resource on access to sexual health, and contraceptive choice clinics. Also has a free infoline.
OMGYes a library of video resources for accessing women’s pleasure. Paid site.
Maggie's Toronto Toronto’s support organization by & for sex workers.
Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform working group of various orgs to address the legal system around sexwork.
The Gottman Blog, headed by Drs. John and Julia Gottman, leaders in relationships therapy and science.
The Principles of Pleasure, a fun and entertaining 3 episode docuseries on Netflix. View the trailer.
Couples Therapy, a docuseries showing relationships therapy sessions facilitated by Dr. Orna Guralnik. View the trailer.
Sex Out Loud, hosted by Tristan Taormino
The Muslim Sex Podcast, hosted by Dr. Sadaf Lodhi
Pleasure in the Pause, hosted by Gabriella Espinosa; on peri/menopause
Sex and Psychology Podcast, hosted by Justin Lehmiller
GetSome Podcast, hosted by Michelle Fischler
Savage Lovecast, hosted by Dan Savage